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He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done Proverbs 19:17
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Compare All Types of Speech Pathology Degrees
Speech pathology is an extremely important science that focuses on communication and swallowing issues in clients in all age groups. If you are the type of student that is seeking a career that can influence the quality of life for clients in need, this field could be one of many that can help you meet your career goals.

In this guide, we will show you the benefits associated with pursuing a speech therapy or speech pathology degree and will give you with some tips towards becoming certified within the speech language pathology area.

Statistics in Speech Pathology: A Growing Need for SLPs
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication DisordersAccording to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), 7.7% of children within the 3-17 age group has been diagnosed with a speech, language, or swallowing disorder within the last year. These statistics show a strong need for educated and trained professionals within this specialized treatment field.

Finding a Speech Therapy Degree
The high number of children with speech and language disorders may make it increasingly important to continuously add to the pool of licensed professionals in each state, which can be achieved through enrollment in accredited master's training programs.

Speech Pathology Degrees
Masters (SLP)

Finding SLP Programs by State
The prevalence of speech pathologists by state vary according to population, with states such as Texas and California having the highest number of speech pathologists in the U.S. Professionals in speech pathology can contribute to better learning and social development, making them great additions to educational and medical teams. Since these professionals work in conjunction with healthcare providers and schools, there may be multiple locations for professionals to pursue careers within their local areas.

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The free award certificates below were made exclusively by artists for TrophyCentral. If you are an artist and would like to share your work, please let us know and we would be happy to include your templates and designs!

Research and compare campus-based and online
Library Science Degrees

Welcome to Library Science Degrees, an online resource decided solely to library and information science, education, and careers. Library science as a program area is having a resurgence in students with the digitization of documents and resources.

On this website you will be able to research all different types of information and library science degrees online. Our database is based on the American Library Association (ALA) list of accredited schools with a library science degree.

Research and compare online library science degrees
Review the Masters in Library and Information Science
Review the top ALA accredited Library Science programs
Learn about the types of library science careers available


Find your social work degree
At some point, everyone needs a social worker.
That’s because social workers can be found just about everywhere. They work at hospitals, at schools, in senior citizen homes, at addiction clinics, at nonprofits, and at community centers.
And social workers are seemingly everywhere because there is a pronounced need for the services they provide.
At a very basic level, social workers offer support to individuals, families, and communities in order to improve lives and outcomes.
Sometimes social work might be as simple as acting like a resource and connecting people with other services (such as government support, or support programs run by nonprofit agencies). Other times, social workers might be specifically qualified to provide direct help in the form of therapy, counseling, or other forms of mental health support and guidance.
But what exactly do social workers do?
Well, it’s hard to answer that question in one simple sentence. Or a paragraph, or even a few paragraphs.
That’s part of the reason why we built this website. The role (and importance) that social workers play in our communities is enormous. And so we wanted to build a specific resource to help tomorrow’s social workers prepare for this important career. And to help social workers currently in the field figure out how to take the next steps to progress in their careers.
Social work, also referred to as social welfare, is a growing and in-demand field. The growth comes both in terms of scope of work (like what kinds of professions and services fall under the umbrella of social work) and in terms of the overall demand for social workers and their services.
Between the projected growth (the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts double-digit growth in job opportunities over the next decade) and the increased opportunity, in the form of social work degree programs and online social work programs, there is no better time to be entering the field.


Welcome to Social Work Degrees, the most comprehensive resource for exploring colleges and universities offering a degree in Social Work. All degree levels are covered - Undergraduate and Graduate, and every university in the United States is listed in our database (if there is one missing please let us know!). We use the United States Department of Labor and US Census Bureau, as well as the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) as our data sources to aggregate all of the social work programs and pertinent information for working in the social work field.



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